Fellow coach, healer, practitioner…

You love your clients and want to support them.

And you have some incredible skills and gifts to help you do so. 

Sometimes, though…

~ Sessions leave you wondering why your client isn’t making progress.

~ Your clients seem frustratingly resistant and you wonder if they’re uncoachable...or if you're just not a good practitioner.

~ You get a feeling dread in the pit of your stomach before working with certain clients.

~ You wonder if there are better ways to market your offerings…ways that don’t feel manipulative, bro-marketing-y, or rooted in scarcity or fear or shame. 

~ Trauma has come up in the session, and you didn't know how to deal with it. 

~ Your clients have shared that they have anxiety or depression or other mental health issues, and you’re not sure whether it’s appropriate for you to work with them because you’re not providing therapy.

~ It’s hard to talk about money and time commitments with potential clients. 

~ Racism, patriarchy, capitalism, etc. are coming up in your work, and you’re not sure how to handle it.

~ Sometimes you really doubt your skills. 

~ Sometimes you’ve messed up with your clients or prospects, and you haven’t known how to make it right. 

Being a trauma-informed practitioner helps with all of these scenarios...and more

“Trauma-informed” is a term used a LOT these days...although not always correctly!

Here’s what being a trauma-informed practitioner means and what it helps you do:

: To be a trauma-informed practitioner  means you understand that most people have experienced trauma in their lives—whether individual, systemic, collective, ancestral, and so on—and that you are committed to practicing in a way that doesn't traumatize or retraumatize.

: It means you understand that trauma might be present in the practitioner/client relationship, and that you know what to do when it comes up.

:It means you have training in different types of trauma, the causes, and possible symptoms. 

: It means you have the skill to create a container for growth and transformation.

It means all this and more: 

🌟 You notice possible trauma responses showing up in sessions...and you know what to do if that happens.

🌟 You infuse consent and choice in all areas of your business, from marketing to sessions to correspondence and more. 

🌟 You know how to market ethically and with integrity.

🌟 You know how to acknowledge and repair when you’ve made a mistake.

🌟 You know how to recognize when your client is activated, and how to bring them back to neutral in sessions. 

🌟 Instead of seeing or labeling your clients as resistant or uncoachable, you know how to work with that so your client can continue to move forward. 

🌟 You know how to handle systemic and collective trauma when it shows up with your clients.

🌟 You know how to stay in your lane with your practice, without delving into therapy territory.

🌟 You know how to refer when necessary.

🌟 Your onboarding and ending processes are effective and help create an environment where powerful work can be done with your clients.

🌟 Your clients know what to expect, which leads to increased safety and deepened trust. 

🌟 You know how to take care of yourself so you’re not bringing your own issues and concerns to your work.

🌟 You have a theoretical framework through which you understand trauma and how to work with people. 


Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed Coaching & Healing:

a 6-month in-depth training program on trauma-informed practice 

If you work with clients as a…

life coach


energy worker

transformational coach

creativity coach

nutritional coach


health coach

body image coach

nutritional coach



communication coach

massage therapist

yoga instructor

movement instructor

Nonviolent Communication coach

intimacy coach


communication coach

massage therapist

yoga instructor

dance instructor 

pilates instructor

Reiki practitioner


body positive photographer

or in pretty much any kind of caring or transformational role, 

…this training program has been designed for you and your practice.

What Does the “Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed 

Coaching & Healing” course cover?

Module 1

A deep dive into trauma: our working definition of trauma, types of trauma, trauma across the lifespan, and more

Module 2

Trauma, the brain, and the nervous system: fight/flight/freeze/fawn, dysregulation, and more.

Module 3

Diving deep into a theoretical model to understand trauma and its impacts

Module 4

Collective, systemic, generational, and ancestral trauma: understanding their impacts and how they might impact our work

Module 5

The self-work of being a trauma-informed practitioner: understanding our biases, filters, and privileges; our limiting beliefs and fears; and how they might impact our practice

Module 6

Container setting: how to create effective spaces to do our work with our clients, from prospecting to onboarding to ending the work

Module 7

Best practices and deepening skills with 1-on-1 practice, groups, and more: active listening, referring if necessary, repairing, and more

Module 8

Neurodivergence and how it relates to being a trauma-informed practitioner

Module 9

Trauma-informed marketing do's, don'ts, and best practices

Module 10

Closing the container of our course and moving forward with your trauma-informed practice

What's included in the Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed Coaching journey:

🌻 Pre-recorded trainings (video or audio, depending on your preference and learning style)

🌻 Homework 

🌻 Gatherings twice per month for live Q&As, discussion sessions, and practica for skills practice

🌻 Truly incredible guest speakers 

🌻 Private Facebook group

🌻 When you complete the material and the practica, you will receive a certificate of completion.


DATES: June 2024-November 2024

DAYS & TIMES: Our usual meeting days and times are tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays at 7pm GMT/3pm ET/12pm PT; however, once we have the cohort together I will do a survey to see whether a different day and time works better for the group.

~ We will meet every two weeks for Q&As, discussions, and practica. 

~ We will also have (excellent!) guest speakers! As they're finalized, the dates and bios will be made available to you.  

~ All live gatherings will be via Zoom and will be recorded, although live attendance is of course encouraged!

~ Gatherings will be up to 90 minutes.

INVESTMENT:  $2,000 USD, with payment plans available

SCHOLARSHIPS: Full and partial scholarships are available. Please reach out if you would like information on how to apply.

Lastly: you get free lifetime access to the live course content, so you can take the live course as often as you want/need. 

Note: Other cohorts will not receive this bonus, so this is a good one!

What does it mean to be a trauma-informed practitioner?

~ You’re soooo much less likely to do harm, and are so much more likely to actually support your clients to have the transformation and healing they hired you for. 

~ You can do deeper, more profound and effective work with your clients. Being trauma informed makes you a more empathetic and well rounded practitioner that allows you to better serve your clients.

~ You understand that systemic, collective, ancestral, and generational trauma are real, and you are committed to equity and inclusion for everyone regardless of race, gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or physical appearance/ability.

~ You have greater confidence, because not only is your work deeper and you have greater skills, but also…you know what to do when or if trauma comes up during your work.

~ You’re in alignment and you’re consent focused, so your clients trust and feel safe with you…which means you can do more effective work together.

~ You can repair when/if you mess up. Look, we’re human! And we err. Being trauma-informed helps you have the tools to acknowledge and hopefully repair a rupture if it happens. 

~ Your happy clients are SO much more likely to send referrals your way, because they’re happy with you and have experienced results. 

~ You know how to hold the most powerful and safe space possible for clients to become more self-aware, more regulated, and more ready to create what they came to you for.

~ You don't shy away from the hard things with your clients, because you how to navigate them through it.

~ You understand how to hold and work with your fears, patterns, and limiting behaviors so your stuff doesn't impact your work with your clients.

To name a few! There are so many more!

Testimonials from past cohorts:

Gina, a movement instructor, health coach, mindset coach, says:  

I just completed Eryka’s TICH program and I cannot say enough good things about it! I knew that her social work and coaching background coupled with her generosity would make this class robust. But she knocked it out of the park. This program is for everyone and if you’re a coach, teacher, bodyworker, healthworker, etc. — this should be required. 

Eryka's down to earth teaching style made it easy to understand the science, models and research behind being trauma informed. Her patience and ability to hold space with compassion made it possible to embody the teachings and be able to apply them in ourselves and in our work. Thanks to Eryka and the community I now have the tools, resources and knowledge to use with and pass on to my clients

The coaching industry has a lot of catching up to do as far as being trauma informed, this class (and Eryka) is definitely part of the solution. 

Joseph, an intimacy and life coach, says: 

I highly recommend coaches and healers take Trauma-Informed Coaching with Eryka Peskin!

I took it last year, and I’m a coach already trained in trauma work with people as a therapist. I still learned a lot about techniques for helping people out of trauma responses and into stronger resiliency. Through the extended class series, I became more aware of how I can set up my practice and marketing in a more trauma-informed manner, that feels better to me and to my clients.

Eryka is a delightful, energized teacher, bringing a verve and enthusiasm to this work. She is inspiring, and is a very effective teacher. I am so glad I took the chance and signed up to work with her. I left the class with a number of solid tools and techniques that enhance what I already knew. I found Eryka to be a deeply respectful and organized teacher, which helped me to grasp these terribly important concepts even more deeply. Thank you, Eryka. This class is stunning!

Vicki, a consultant and life coach, says: 

Coaches and healers are not therapists but sometimes find ourselves in positions where the trauma of our clients comes to light.  Experiences with trauma have far-reaching and long-lasting impacts in a person's life.  It's important for us, healers and coaches, to understand ways trauma is manifested, how to recognize when the trauma self is triggered, and how to respond when that happens.  Eryka's course presents solid information that you can use to follow the rule "First, Do No Harm."

Enroll in Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed Coaching & Healing by choosing your payment option below.

Once you submit your payment, you'll receive a welcome email with all the course info.

You are encouraged to contact eryka@eryka.com with any questions, including scholarships, longer payment plans, and, well, anything!

Here’s what you can expect in 

Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed Coaching & Healing:

🌿 Do No Harm is a professional development training conducted online. You’ll need access to the interwebs, as well as a computer, tablet, or phone. 

🌿 We will begin our journey with an in-person gathering where we will introduce ourselves (if you want to, because you always have choice in how you show up!), we'll go over the space agreements, and create the container and community. 

🌿 There are 10 modules of information and content, and they will be delivered over 6 months via video and audio format. We will gather together on an almost fortnightly basis (I'm using that word instead of biweekly, because people tend to find it confusing :) ) with discussions, Q&As, working together in groups, with guest speakers, and in practica. There will be breaks throughout for catching up, integrating the information, and figuring out how to apply it to your practice.

🌿 This is a professional development training, and you'll get out of it what you put in. I encourage you to carve out time for the trainings and support calls. 


I'm a social worker licensed in both New York and Idaho. I've been a mindset coach for a decade, a fierce cheerleader, a writer and a photographer, and was a registered representative with a leading financial services company. 

I have worked with, through, and around trauma for years, and now I help coaches, healers, and people who help people understand trauma and become trauma-informed practitioners. 

Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed Coaching & Healing is for you if:

~ You are a coach or healer—body worker, energy healer, and so forth—who wants to do no harm. 

~ You know people experience collective and systemic trauma, and you want to work with them without making things worse and burdening them with educating or taking care of you.

~ You have your own lived experience of trauma, and you (rightly) want to make sure it doesn’t come into your work with your clients.

~ You’ve heard words like “trauma” and “trauma-informed” and you don’t really know a whole lot about them, yet you recognize it’s important for you to learn.

~ You need to learn what trauma has to do with coaching and healing, what trauma informed coaching and healing is, and the important differences between coaching and healing and therapy.

~ You recognize that there’s a lot of potential for harm in coaching and healing due to ignorance about trauma…but there is SO much room for growth and good too!

~ You want to learn what to do when and if trauma does come up in your sessions.

~ You have seen how damaging and manipulative marketing can be, and you want to run your business differently.

~ You’ve made mistakes in the past and want to learn best practices to avoid them in the future. 

~ You want your work on desires and dreams, limiting beliefs and fears, mindset, health, money, healing touch, and pretty much all the things to be even more effective.

~ You know your work is important and good, but you know that it’s time for your clients to be even more cared for, even more eager to continue their work with you, and experience even better results.

~ You want to learn from a highly qualified trainer who implements trauma-informed practices.

~ You want to hold space for yourself and others with more awareness, inclusivity, and compassion.

Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed Coaching & Healing is NOT for you if:

~ You aren’t willing to acknowledge that systems of oppression are real.

~ You aren’t willing to do the work to unlearn them and apply those lenses to your practice. 

~ You don’t want to learn about trauma-informed practice from an intersectional and anti-oppression lens. 

~ You want to be able to check a box saying “I’m trauma-informed!” and do no further work. 

~ You don’t have the capacity to engage in the training. 

~ Swearing/cursing bothers you, because I do that. 


Are the training calls live?

The training modules are all recorded and delivered in the modules. They'll be broken up into segments so they're not too long or overwhelming!

The Q&As, discussion times, interviews, and practica are all live, and you are strooongly encouraged to attend if possible.

I want to attend, but I don't have the funds. What can I do?

I am deeeeply committed to accessibility and to helping practitioners become trauma-informed, so here some options (and I'm always open to hearing more):

~ We can create a longer installment payment program so it's more doable for you

~ Partial and complete scholarships are available. Please do not hesitate to reach out for information or to request support; I have no judgment about your money situation, and I am very good at saying no to things that don't work for me. :)  

I really want to do it, but Tuesdays at that time is not doable for me. 

I'm completely willing to do a poll when we begin to see if there is a better time that works for as many of us as possible.

I already consider myself pretty trauma-informed. Will I learn anything useful here?

Trauma-informedness is an ongoing process, and I believe there's always more to learn and always skills to deepen. This course is specifically intended to help you be a trauma-informed practitioner and enhance your skills. 

Participating in groups feels challenging to me. Do I have to?

I totally get that, and I often feel the same way! Please know, you have absolute choice in how you participate. If you choose to simply engage with the recorded content, that is absolutely fine. If you choose to have your video off and stay silent during the meeting times, that's absolutely fine too!

Can I use the content and materials from this training in my own spaces?

Sure, I'd be honored! Just please attribute appropriately.

Will I receive a certification?

This is not a certification training, and quite frankly, there's no regulation or organization that certifies trauma-informedness for practitioners anyway. 

However, I will provide a Certificate of Completion for anyone who desires it. To receive the Certificate of Completion, all payment plans must be paid in full, and we'll do a one-on-one call to make sure you completed the materials sufficiently to practice in a trauma-informed manner. 

Can I call myself ‘trauma-informed’ after this training? 

Absolutely. and with pride...once you've completed the coursework and integrate what you've learned into your practice!

What is the refund policy?

It is my very strong belief that not offering refunds is not trauma-informed, so if you enroll and are super not into it, if you request a refund within the first 30 days of the course, you will receive a refund minus a small administrative fee. 

If the request is made after the first 30 days, you will receive a credit which can be applied to coaching, a trauma-informed audit of your practice, another of my courses, photography, or any other service I provide.

I can't join this round, will you be offering this again?

I very likely will be offering it again; however, the cost will probably increasing and the format may change. 

Still have questions? All good! Your questions are welcome, valid, and encouraged, so please feel free to reach out to eryka_AT_eryka.com

Register for Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed Coaching & Healing by choosing the payment option that works best for you.

Once you submit your payment, you'll receive a welcome email with all the course info.

You'll also be asked to digitally sign an agreement, which you can review here

What I want for you...

More than anything, I want for you to be able to shine your light and share the gifts you went into business to share, knowing that you have the skills and knowledge to create safety and amazingness for your clients because you're wonderfully trauma-informed!